“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation.”
—bell hooks
The Grieving Place aims to provide a cathartic, transformative experience: a chance to grieve, to witness, and to connect. It is a space where grief is not something to be fixed or avoided, but something to be honored, explored, and lived with, as we all navigate our unique journeys through loss.
“Its ok that you’re not ok” —Megan Devine
Videography credit: Nidal Q.
Make a tax-deductable donation today
Up to $50 - Shout out on social media!
$100 - Acknowledgment in the film credits
$200 - Swag
$300 - Personalized thank you video
$400 - See the concept as it unfolds! - first access to footage and music
I invite you to reflect and engage with grief in all its forms. Through a tapestry of emotional expression through interviews, improvisation, and multimedia story telling, I offer you the opportunity to unfold the ways we experience and understand loss.
Too often, society dictates how and when we’re allowed to grieve, leaving many forms of loss unspoken or unseen. The Grieving Place challenges that social contract, inviting you to bring with you your stories—whether it’s the mourning of a loved one, the pain of unrealized potential, or the invisible burdens carried by marginalized communities.
Through a seamless blend of sound and imagery,The Grieving Place is a place of connection, of rest, where grief can be experienced both individually and communally. As the performance unfolds, you are encouraged to see yourself in the stories of others—finding common ground in the raw vulnerability of loss. I hope that the result will be a profound, shared sense of being seen and understood, where healing happens not just through words, but through art.
This project is fiscally sponsored by:
Where does your donation go?
Your donation goes to all of the things that make a performance like this possible! With your donation, I can rent a performance space and pay for videography.
Your donation doesn’t just go to me as the performance artist! But also to the artists who create materials and content for marketing and the fees for the additional artists I collaborate with. It takes a village to support art and I haven’t been able to do any of what I do without you!